!: Promotional Notary Loan Signing Agent - Comprehensive Certification Course & Reference Manual: Including Over 50 Sample Loan Documents & Final Exam save you money!

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$89.95 | Post Date : Feb 01, 2012 10:34:10
Usually ships in 24 hours Becoming a Notary loan signing agent can change your life by offering you a new lucrative career. As an independent contractor, this home-based business adapts to either full-time or part-time hours. Once you become a Notary in your state, all the information and training you need to become a Notary signing agent is in this very detailed and complete home study course / business guide. Over the last several years I've had the pleasure of coaching many new agents in all the important details required by the loan industry. This course and manual is a direct result of that real-time, one-on-one coaching. And once you've completed the course, it becomes a field manual to refer to as often as you need to. I feel very passionate about upholding the integrity of our dual role--that of commissioned Notary Public and loan signing agent. I hope this training starts you off on a lucrative and fulfilling new career. The industry needs well-trained agents. That's you!
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